Waisenhaus / Orphanage
Gestern war ich in einem Waisenhaus hier in Dakar. Veronique, die dort für längere Zeit gearbeitet hat und jetzt mit NTM arbeitet hat Keyla, Anna und mich dorthin mitgenommen, da wir es gerne mal sehen wollten. Es ist echt ein schöner, sauberer Ort in dem die Kinder dort betreut werden. Als wir ankamen waren in einem Spielzimmer ca.40 kleine Kinder im Alter von 5 - 12 Monate . Die Betreuer saßen bei ihnen und haben ihnen vorgesungen. Wir haben uns dazu gesetzt und die Kinder kamen gleich zu uns her gekrabbelt oder gelaufen und wollten von uns auf den Arm genommen werden und haben sich gefreut wenn wir ihen einfach ein bischen Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt haben. Die Betreuerinnen machen ihre Sache echt gut, aber natürlich können sie sich nicht um jedes einzelne so gut kümmern wie wenn es mit Eltern aufwächst die nur ein Baby haben. Nachdem wir ein wenig mit ihen gespielt haben, haben wir noch dabei geholfen den Kindern ihr Fläschchen zu geben und haben sie in ihr Bettchen gelegt. Danach war Zeit sich wieder zu verabschieden. Es war gut zu sehen dass sie gut behandelt werden und zu hören dass die meisten von ihen adoptiert werden.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit an orphanage. Veronique, who worked there for sometime before working for NTM took Keyla, Anna and me there. It's really a nice and clean pleace where the children get taken care of. When we arrived there were arround 40 babies at a age of 5-12 month sitting on the ground or on mattresses in a room with the women who look after them. The women were singing for them. We joined them and as soon as we entered the room some kids crawled towards us and wanted us to hold them. They were happy for the attention we gave them and just wanted to be arround us. The women there really do a good job but it's hard to look after so many kids and give them the attention they need. After we played for a while we helped feeding all those little cute babies and put them down. After that it was already time to say good bye. It was nice to see how well they get taken care of and to hear that most of them get adopted at some point.
Yesterday I had the opportunity to visit an orphanage. Veronique, who worked there for sometime before working for NTM took Keyla, Anna and me there. It's really a nice and clean pleace where the children get taken care of. When we arrived there were arround 40 babies at a age of 5-12 month sitting on the ground or on mattresses in a room with the women who look after them. The women were singing for them. We joined them and as soon as we entered the room some kids crawled towards us and wanted us to hold them. They were happy for the attention we gave them and just wanted to be arround us. The women there really do a good job but it's hard to look after so many kids and give them the attention they need. After we played for a while we helped feeding all those little cute babies and put them down. After that it was already time to say good bye. It was nice to see how well they get taken care of and to hear that most of them get adopted at some point.
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