Im Zoo / At the zoo ;)
Heute hab ich mit meiner Gastfamilie einen "Ausflug" in den Zoo gemacht - also wir können hin laufen - ist echt nicht weit. Und der Eintritt ist sensationelle 350 CFA = 60 cent ! Dafür hatten sie mehr Tiere als erwartet...
Today I went with my hostfamily to the zoo. It's quite close to where we live so we could just walk over. The price to get in is 350 CFA = 60 cent ... so I was surprised to find as many animals in there as I did...
Today I went with my hostfamily to the zoo. It's quite close to where we live so we could just walk over. The price to get in is 350 CFA = 60 cent ... so I was surprised to find as many animals in there as I did...
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