Falls sich jemand gefragt hat, wie es dem guten Baxter noch geht, er macht sich prima :) Er wächst und gedeiht... wird immer größer und schwerer und diskutiert auch mal gerne mit mir, wenn er nicht das machen will was ich ihm sag :) - schon ein lustiges Kerlchen.
Maybe some of you were wondering how Baxter is doing... he is doing wonderfully fine :) He grows and gets bigger every day, it seems. He also likes to discuss with me when he doesn't like to do what I tell him to.
Maybe some of you were wondering how Baxter is doing... he is doing wonderfully fine :) He grows and gets bigger every day, it seems. He also likes to discuss with me when he doesn't like to do what I tell him to.
Und hier noch ein Foto von der Schildkröte die in dem Brunnen in unserem Hof lebt :)
And here is a picture of our the turtle that lives in the well that's in our yard :)
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